How old are you?
What's your occupation and who do you work for?
I'm the founder and Chief-Everything at EcoGeek.org. We write about the technologies that we'll need to save the planet. I've also just started up a new blog at Carectomy.com (carectomy is about removing cars from people.)
How long have been doing this?
Full time...about 6 months. Before that I freelanced... developing websites for non-profits
What is it about your job that makes it ethical?
Well, I like to think that we educate people about our environmental problems, and give them inspiration and hope for the future.
What's the best bit about your job?
All of the fantastic people I get to meet...actually. That, and making money doing something that's really very rewarding.
What's the worst thing?
Never knowing what's going to happen next month. Things move very fast on the internet.
What was your very first full-time job?
I have never had a "full-time" job actually. So I guess you could say EcoGeek is my first full time job.
What advice would you give to someone wishing to embark on the same sort of work as you?
Be creative. You have to be very dedicated at focusing your creative energy on a product to get the internet masses to like you.That goes for writing, marketing, design, business...everything. We re-write the rules every day.
Have you got any plans for the next 12 months you'd like to share with us?
AGHHHH!!!! 12 Months! I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow!
What do you do to relax?
Go have a drink with friends. Watch Star Trek with my wife.
Who do you live with?
Just my wife and our cat.
Whereabouts do you live?
Missoula Montana...it's just on the east side of the northern rocky mountains in the USA.
If you were Prime Minister, what's the very first thing you would do?
Probably change the law to ensure that it's legal for Americans to become prime minister. Then I'd laugh at everyone while unveiling the fat that I am in fact American. And then I'd copy Germany's solar subsidy plan, dump some more money into your already fabulous train system. I'd accelerate the great work being done in the UK on tidal. And then I'd angrily wag my finger at the U.S. like twelve times a day.
As cheap and easily available oil is expect to run out in the next couple of decades, what do you think will be the predominant form of transport in 2027?
In America? Cars. Just cars running on different things. I think plug-in hybrids will take over pretty quickly, and then they might turn into plug-in hybrids that run on cellulosic ethanol or hydrogen. In the U.K. I suspect you can do better than that.
Have you got any guilty carbon secrets?
The really bad one is that I fly. I go to visit family twice a year on the East Coast...which is like a five hour flight. I also really love demolition derbies...which is when a bunch of old, ultra-polluting cars get put in a dirt pit together and then they crash into each other.
What have you done that you were most proud of?
I've never thought about that before. I'm quite proud of EcoGeek. And of landing such a great woman.
What single issue are you most concerned about in the world at large?
This question is far to scary to answer...sorry.
Which person in the public eye do you most admire and why?
Most admire...wow. Honestly, I really admire people who don't get into the public eye. People who work hard, but they don't become the work. People who are changing the world, but without turning into a complete machine for the cause. That's what I want for myself.
What's your website address?
http://www.ecogeek.org and http://www.carectomy.com
What are your three favourite other websites of the moment?
Lord...that's hard. WorldChanging.com, Engadget.com and I suppose....AutoBlogGreen.com. I also love ICanHasCheezBurger.com
1 comment:
Carectomy was suddenly stopped being updated without explanation. Please ask Hank Green why this happend (I tried) and can it be brought back to life? Thank You
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